listen to the wind come howl...
Monday, March 30, 2009
The holy Quran
Allah yang menurunkan Kitab (Al-Quran) dengan (membawa) kebenaran dan neraca (keadilan). Dan tahukah kamu, boleh jadi hari kiamat itu sudah dekat?
Asy-Syura ay. 16-17
The moment you are in tension
You will lose your attention
Then you are in total confusion
And you will fell irritation
Then you will spoil personal relation
Ultimately, you won't get cooperation
Then you will make things complication
Then your BP(blood pressure) may also rise caution
And you may have to take medication
Instead, understand the situation
And try to think about the solution
Many problems will be solved by discussion
Which work out better in your profession
Don't think its my free suggestion
It is only for your prevention
If you understand my intention
You will never come again to tension!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This is a reminder to myself and to readers as well Insyallah..
Imam Al-Ghazali ada mencatatkan 5 cara untuk mengikis sikap takbur dalam diri iaitu:
lebih bersih dan mulia daripada kita kerana belum
mempunyai dosa berbanding diri kita...
Apabila kita bersua dengan orang tua, anggaplah dia
lebih mulia daripada kita kerana dia lebih lama
beramal ibadah kepada Allah...
Apabila bersua orang alim, anggaplah beliau lebih
mulia daripada kita kerana banyak ilmu yang
diketahui tetapi kita belum mengetahuinya...
Apabila bersua dengan orang jahil, anggaplah dia
lebih mulia daripada kita kerana dia melakukan dosa
disebabkan kejahilannya sedangkan kita berdosa
tetapi memiliki ilmu...
Apabila bersua dengan orang kafir katakanlah dalam
hati bahawa suatu hari mungkin dia akan insaf dan
memeluk Islam dan diampunkan oleh Allah swt.
sedangkan kita yang telah Islam sejak lahir terus-
menerus melakukan dosa. Banyak mana dosa dan
pahala tidak mampu kita pastikan.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The past
Firstly, I'm not good at making story or make it sounds beautiful or interesting...but here the things...
It was my hard week when everything happened at the same time, dealing with my already exhausted routine work as a student, facing with various type of people who sometimes make you want to shout out at and put your fist down their faces and then break their neck bones into small pieces(only if I couldn't restrained myself), struggling to read my pediatric books because every time I tried to read, my eyes gradually, silently going to shut and ended up having a long deep sleep(that's my bad, sleepyhead kinda person, some friends call me 'sleeping ugly'), and the hardest part for that week is that to deal with my past, that's making me mentally exhausted, I was just thinking about that, I tried to find the answer, I tried to feel and understand other peoples' feelings. How would they feel when thing's going like this, not like that, and what if it turns like that not like this, what if, what if....and so on. But why do I care about other's feeling? on the other hand that people never care about how I feel...They just say what they want to say, they just do as they wish to do, saying lies, and etc..
My past really kills me, on the other hand it taught me to be strong, I know, everything happens for a reason;
"Dan Kami tidak menciptakan langit dan bumi dan apa yang ada antara keduanya
dengan bermain-main. Kami tidak menciptakan melainkan dengan haq, tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui" - Ay. 38-39 Ad Dukhaan-
I started to clear my head by bringing it to ultimately the purpose of this life, this deluded life...
I know it's hard but...if Allah brings me to it, then He will bring me through it..dan saya pasrah dan redha atas yang terjadi...
"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and ye would not be brought back to Us
(for account)?" - Ay. 115 Al-Mu'minun-